HiwotHayleslas: 🌍Address aid for #Tigray In 2004, 🇪🇹n politician Eskinder Nega, oversaw in his Askual newspaper that labeled “Tigrayans the Jews of 🇪🇹 and called for 🇪🇹

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<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1557783446088323072/9Y6AaQ8W?format=jpg&name=600×314&quot; title="HiwotHayleslas: 🌍Address aid for #Tigray
In 2004, 🇪🇹n politician
Eskinder Nega, oversaw in his Askual newspaper that labeled “Tigrayans the Jews of 🇪🇹 and called for 🇪🇹

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